Two rice varieties of indica subspecies, Minghui 63 and Zhenshan 97, were used in this study. The materials were planted in field and repeated three times. Panicle samples were collected from three developmental stages during secondary branch primordium differentiation (SBP), pistil/stamen primordium differentiation (PSP), and pollen-mother cell formation (PCF). Six replicates of labelled RNA targets, representing three biological replicates and two technical replicates, were hybridized to the Rice GeneChip Genome Array. The details of denomination of .CEL files in this directory were stated in below: 1. All files had been compressed using gzip, thus ended with '.gz'; 2. All files started with 'M' or 'Z' denoted as Minghui 63 or Zhenshan 97, respectively; 3. The first number (3,4,5) denoted stages. '3' for SBP, '4' for 'PSP' and '5' for PCF; 4. The second number (1,2,3) represented different biological replicate; 5. The third number (1,2) represented different technical replicate. For example: both M3-1-1.CEL.gz and M3-1-2.CEL.gz are derived from samples of Minghui 63 at panical stage 3 (SBP), as the two technical replicates of biological replicate Number 1.