Perlegen_ID | Chromosome | Position | NB_ref | MH63 | Zhen_Shan_97 | Nippon_bare | Probe_name | Pos_forward | Pos_backward | Strand | Probeset |
CSU17962261 | 1 | 196813 | T | T | C | T | Os.799.2.S1_x_at--702--243 | 29 | -3 | + | Os.799.2.S1_x_at |
CSU17962262 | 1 | 197587 | C | C | G | C | Os.799.1.S1_at--153--1083 | 35 | -9 | + | Os.799.1.S1_at |
CSU17962262 | 1 | 197587 | C | C | G | C | Os.799.1.S1_at--753--623 | 20 | 6 | + | Os.799.1.S1_at |
Perlegen_ID | A unique name of the form "CSUnnnnnnnn" |
Chromosome | the chromosme |
Position | Position on Rice TIGR v5 of Nipponbare |
NB_ref | Base from published Nipponbare sequence |
MH63 | Minghui 63 |
Zhen_Shan_97 | Zhenshan 97B |
Nippon_bare | Nipponbare (hybridized) |
Probe_name | Probe name in the Affymetrix Rice GeneChip microarray, the two numbers are coordinates in the chip |
Pos_forward | Base position refer to probe. The positon of the first base of probe is defined as Pos_forward=1. For probe is a 25 bases DNA oligonucleotide, 'Pos_forward=29' means the 4th base adjacent the right side of the probe |
Pos_backward | Base position refer to probe. The positon of the last base of probe is defined as Pos_backward=1. For probe is a 25 bases DNA oligonucleotide, 'Pos_backward=-3' means the 4th base adjacent the right side of the probe |